A playable demo of my action RPG prototype made in Unity. I'm proud to say that the game's code was written entirely by myself without the help of any store bought assets. About 90% of the pixel art was also made by me. The other 10% are public domain placeholders.

 For more info: see pixelplateau.com


Move: W,A,S,D keys or arrow keys
Space bar: Perform dodge roll
Select item: Left mouse click on item in inventory bar or press the number keys.
Use item (i.e. sword,bow, consumable):
Left mouse click (while mouse cursor is not over UI or interactable object)
Open/close pause menu:
Interact with environment: Left mouse click on NPC/object

Current content in the game:

The game currently contains some quests which can be completed by venturing into the caves  north of the town. The are currently 5 cave levels. Upon clearing a level of all monsters the gate to the next level will open.

To see quests details and progress, open the pause menu by pressing the esc button and clicking the quests tab. When a quest is completed it can be turned in at the correct NPC in the town.

After turning in the "Finding the Orb of Water" quest a cut scene will be started and a new villager will be unlocked.

Saving and loading game progress:

The game contains save/load functionality. Saving a game will save your current progress like items in your inventory and the progress of your quests. Loading a game will load the last saved state back in. This web version of the game, unfortunately does not retain save games after the browser tab is closed. The desktop version will, of course, retain save games after the game is closed.

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